PRADA LAB Research Handbook Help

Tools and Applications to aid your research

For Paper/post Reading

I) Zotero and Zotero7

Info: Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research.


Install here:

After install Zotero and Connectors, it is strongly recommended to Sync your Library first:

You can find plugins from or, here are some recommended plugins:

  • PDF Translate, Provides PDF translation for the built-in PDF reader in Zotero 6

  • PDF Preview, Provides a PDF preview tab in the item pane ...

Plugin install guide: download the .xpi file of the plugins

install plugin 1.png
install plugin 2.png

Explore more about zotero:

Tips⚠️: Only install the plugins you need and keep your paper collections clear. Don't be a glutton for punishment by attempting to download all the plugins and archive all the papers.

II) Readwise-read

Save everything to one place, highlight like a pro, and replace several apps with Reader.


readwise intro.png

If you always get useful information from X/twitter, YouTube, or Posts, Readwise-read is a good place to collect all of them.

You can use following extension to collect different format elements: arc://extensions/?id=jjhefcfhmnkfeepcpnilbbkaadhngkbi

readwise extension.png

My favorite feature is that you can save YouTube videos and automatically get subtitle scripts for taking notes whenever you want.


III) AI tools

For paper writing

I) Overleaf



You can set up a sync with your local files using Git or Dropbox (then you can keep writing when you are offline🥹):

If you are not familiar with LATEX, (and you have enough time), here is a latex beginners' guide.

Also, we sweetly💗 give a overleaf latex template for (AI) paper writing in this project, please check our paper writing tips.

II) Color scheme

III) Latex

IV) Create Illustrations

Drawing boards



Beautiful tables

  • matplotlib

    If you want to create beautiful illustrations for your data or results, it is quite useful to follow a demo in Matplotlib. Learn about the colors and formats, and keep refining them with them until you develop your own 'library'.


⚠️As a beginner, the fastest way to improve is by consistently emulating others' writing and following their use of beautiful illustrations.

Create Your Research Club🎵

Most junior researchers often feel overwhelmed when it comes to managing their academic projects and notes. In this section, we introduce some useful tools for that.

I) Notebook

For easy online collaboration and sharing

For private and localize writing

The downside of both of the above applications is that they are difficult to synchronize with local files, and if you must have access to local files to feel secure, obsidian is recommended!

  • obsidian

plugins and cavas.png

You can set up the sync by the plugin -- remotely save

remotely save.png

There are many helpful community plugins, download them in setting-community plugins


Other tools

  • Devtoys--little tools for development

Last modified: 09 August 2024